Helping an Identity Solutions Company Find Its Digital Identity

The Challenge

Radiant Logic leads the market in identity solutions, with a client roster that includes names like Microsoft, VISA, NBC, AWS, Caterpillar, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Their extremely advanced and creatively designed technologies fit their client's unique tech ecosystems like a glove. Their customer experience is also second to none. The "Critical Reviews" column of their Gartner PeerInsight page says: "There are no reviews in this category."So what was the challenge? This mainline identity solutions provider lacked a distinct identity of their own. They were looking to revamp their website to become a more engaging experience, augmented by a brand voice that felt like it had something to say. They also wanted to amplify their existing body of informative content. The goal was to not just get people reading/watching and then talking, but also feeling like they knew Radiant Logic as a company.

The Outcome

Radiant Logic approached Consciously as their new agency of record, and we instantly set to work rebuilding their website from the ground up with new copy and design. Work began as a series of conversations to solidify brand and their own unique voice. With the goal of recentering Radiant Logic around values that resonated with modern audiences, we developed new content strategically aligned around core messages. Our central goal in all of this was to make Radiant Logic feel like more than "just another" solutions provider; they had to speak as approachable thought leaders who could simplify confoundingly difficult challenges in a way that, frankly, no other company on the planet can.

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